So, its been ages since my 1st blog and if any of you is wondering, I am alive ;) Had exams since the 1st week of June but have been immersed in books since May. Relieved that now till 2 whole months I wont have to study anything!! Well 4 months to b exact considering that I dont study till a month before exams anyway :p The very next day of my last exam, 1 of my friends who is studyin in Malaysia came to Oman for a few hours. So I and my other friend went to meet him. It was there that I realized how different we are from regular straight guys.
I am a perfect example of a typical gay guy. I am not at all into sports. All I know about sports is that people run after balls for sumtimes the whole day!! But thats life if you are into men right? ;) Same with cars. I SO dont have any interest in cars!! All I require is an awesome AC and awesome music system in a car (U readin Phunk?? :P ) So whenever the conversation turns to sports or cars, I kinda zone out and just nod and smile if asked for my opinion. Ths is exactly what happenned that day. The conversation turned to oh-so-irritatingly-much-talked-about football!!!! Everywhere I go there is discussion about footballs! Taking into consideration the number of times I've had to zone out since the last few days, it's a miracle I havent sufferred brain damage!!
At times the conversation would jump to girls and their boobs and sex. Again I would just smile and nod or pas a comment like 'Yeah she's hot!' while thinking what exactly is the hotness?! This is a regular thing when you are friends with only straight guys. They often discuss girls and their various body parts with so much enthusiasm that you are left with the feeling that sometihng is wrong with you coz you dont share that excitement. Then comes the occasional depression and the confusion that where exactly do I belong?!
At one point me and my friend from Malaysia were sitting beside each other. There was a couple walking nearby. I was looking at the guy who was quite smart. And my friend was staring at the girl. I quickly dropped my gaze before he could notice me observing the guy. All this got me to thinking that maybe I, being a gay guy, dont belong with straight people. Sure there are exception. Like my straight best friend who knows I am gay. Lets call him Auzzi. He will be a part of my blog. There is gonna be a post bout him sometime in the future. I can totally be myself with him. Sometimes he even points outcute guys to me!
But Auzzi is an exception. This post is about fitting in with straight guys. Which we cant coz we are like oil and water. We dont gel together. If you are out to your firends then that is a separate thing. Your friends know who you are and accept you as you are. But if you are not out, if you are a closeted gay, then life can become quite difficult if you only have straight friends unless you are a really good actor!!