Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Fading Veil

This is a post which might create a negative feelings about me. But before judging me, try to be in my shoes to see how it feels.

I think every1 who belongs to a conservative culture and is gay has two kinds of profiles, a gay profile and a straight profile. Atleast many people i know have two profiles. Not talking about everyone. Me and Aiden (a.k.a Phunk )have added each other on our straight profiles as well. It came to my knowledge today that one of Aiden's orkut gay friends was also added in that straight profile of Aiden. That's fine too. Its Aiden's profile. He has a right to add anyone he wants. But that guy went through Aiden's friends list (which has 80 people by the way) and sought out my straight profile. A straight profile is where i keep my original pic as my display pic, it has pics from my university, my family pics.

Aiden has been blogging about me for quite a while now which has made people very curious about me. Also i defended him at one occasion and that, apparently, made people even more curious about me. Aiden is a gem of a person! He has made my world such a wonderful place to live. And I do respect those people who adore him. But all of you see me as "Phunk's boyfriend Nathan"..........which is only a part of me. I am a person as well who feels very strongly about his privacy! You guys are curious bout me? Talk to Aiden, talk to me.....but please dont go and violate my privacy like this! My ture identity means the world to me. Which is why I created an anonymous profile on orkut and here. So please........respect me as an individual. Thank You.


  1. Catchy Title!

    & I totally agree..
    but we can't help it with stuff like this.. there will always be ppl ready to poke into others life.. :P
    probably if tht guy wld read this post, nxt time he won't tell but wld still poke around.. :)
    've such experience of my own..

    All we can do is be careful with every step we take.

  2. @ Phunk, thnx 4 supporting me like always :)

    @ Eros, thnx. D title seemed appropri8 4 d post. Yup, i know there will b more ppl like him. I had 2 remove ALL my pics from dat account n remove every detail bout me!! Bt now i am thinkin of makin a new account altogether.

  3. Hi!
    I understand ur concerns regarding your privacy but you should get the facts straight.
    1).I NEVER sorted you out from aiden's friends list.I have a life dude (even if you choose to believe otherwise)
    2).I just saw a post on his wall(yours ofcourse...and yea wall is for public display) which seemed like mild flirting...so while i was chatting with him and pulling his leg..i made an educated guess and he came clean!
    3).There is something called privacy settings on fb though which you can make sure that no one other than your friends can see your pic or personal info(you can even remove yourself from general search) which means you really dont need to create another profile..!

  4. I totally feel you on this one...curiosity is one thing but you can cross a line. I totally respect anyones decision to keep their PRIVATE LIVES to themselves. Anyone who doesn't understand that fact just needs to grow up alittle bit or think before they do things.

    I'm not trying to be messy but I'm just saying.

    People create blogs to vent about their life's frustrations or even share with their reader's fantisies or parts of their life...but that doesn't mean someone should take that info and go digging away into peoples lives or start chaos.

    It's almost a WHAT EVER HAPPENS HERE..STAYS HERE...kinda thing and should be respected.

  5. @ Raj

    Don't take this wrong...but Notorious is really closeted...this 'breach' was something extremely new to him...also he had no idea about you guys being present on my Facebook account!!

    He panicked..but it's understood! Alot of ppl in the same situation would probably have...and thanks for the suggestions, we've gone thru it all!

    This post was entirely impromptu so excuse for any brash words! :)


    Thanks for the support!!

  6. @ Raj...the "mild flirting" post dat u r referring 2 hapennd less than a week ago. You, apparently know bout me since july. and in July I didnt have net access...let alone posting flirty msgs on Aiden's wall!

    As for the privacy settings, I know very well bout them n i have applied them after dis fiasco. As for hiding my display pic and removing myself from general search, many of my old frnds have contctd me by searchin me on fb. I cnt go into hidin cz of sm1 else's actions!

    And i aint makin another profile. I just had 2 delete aiden from my profile 2 avoid ny such mishap in d future!

  7. FALEN AKA THUNDERCAT.......Thank u! U totally mirrored my feelings! Dat ppl shud grow up n think bout the consequences of their actions for others.

    ps....'THUNDERCAT' sounds really cool ;) Thnx 4 dropping by n following as well :)

    @ Phunk.....dis is not bout me being closeted or not! Dis is bout my privacy n my right 2 choose who i wanna reveal my identity 2! Also dis post was NOT inpromptu and it doesnt have any "Brash" words! I chose my words very carefully while creating dis post!

  8. @ Notorious Tease

    It's a written medium, babes...lacking emotional touch! Ppl can read it wrong....so just in case I mentioned tht!
